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Great road vintage
A Unique Home Furnishings Shop of Vintage and Antique Treasures
High Quality Used Furniture Great Selection of Affordable Paintings
Our customers say..." This shop keeps getting better and better"

(978) 429-8322
We're here to have fun...join us!

We're a group of dealers who are also crazy artists, past teachers, and Mom's! Every week we have a lot of fun displaying our cool stuff for sale! Our job is to hunt for "deals", and to pass the deals on to you.
We all have our secret places we go for deals, and in fact, Great Road Vintage is one of those secret places shop owners from around New England come to buy! Shhhh!
So if you're in the mood to find unique vintage curiousities from around the world, check us out!.
'This place keeps getting better and better!"
-- Amey W., a loyal customer
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